It's not that I haven't had anything to say, it's just that I've not had the time to reflect on much.
Now however, I'm rejoicing.
I can exhale.
I completed and passed my dissertation for the Durham MBA.
That was my most interesting academic study to date. I loved the topic. I'm fascinated by leadership behaviour, which is why this Hilary Clinton/Donald Trump race is bewildering.
I do not see how everyone calls HC a liar, yet DT says on camera (albeit more than 10 years ago) that he gropes women because they let him since he's a "celebrity", then when asked about those comments during a Town Hall, he says it's not true after calling it "locker-room talk"???!! Either he lied then or he's lying now. Duh?? So why can the man lie and the woman be dragged through the mud for perceived "lying". I call that double standards.
I saw nothing to trust in the man during his primary campaign yet he got the party's nod because he said there'd be riots. And he is still instigating social unrest by talking about not accepting the result.
This and Br-exit tells me that insularity is not a small-island thing. It's human nature and it's alive and well in developed nations. They are no better than we "small-islanders", sorry to say. It's time we all emancipated ourselves from mental slavery as brother Bob sang and +Robyn Rihanna Fenty covered a few years ago. Sing it sista'.